Published articles with affiliation of NCDRC in 2017
1.Ahmadi Z, Sadeghi T, Loripoor M, Khademi Z. Comparative assessment the effect of self-care behavior education by health care provider and peer on HbA1c level in diabetic patients. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2017; 19:144-150.
2.Amiri MJ, Sadeghi T, Bonabi TN. The effect of natural sounds on the anxiety of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Perioperative Medicine 2017; 6.
3.Ayoobi F, Shamsizadeh A, Fatemi I, Vakilian A, Allahtavakoli M, Hassanshahi G, et al. Bio-effectiveness of the main flavonoids of Achillea millefolium in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders - a review. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 2017; 20:604-612.
4.Azimipour A, Loripoor M, Sadeghi T. The Effect of Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa) on Menopausal Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 2017; 16:715-726.
5.Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Bidaki R, Sarhadi TS, Vakilian A, Razavi AS. Prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome Rafsanjan, Iran 2014. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences 2017; 27:64-73.
6.Nazari A, Khorramdelazad H, Hassanshahi G, Day AS, Sardoo AM, Fard ET, et al. S100A12 in renal and cardiovascular diseases. Life Sci 2017; 191:253-258.
7.Pour PS, Ameri GF, Kazemi M, Jahani Y. Comparison of Effects of Local Anesthesia and Two-Point Acupressure on the Severity of Venipuncture Pain Among Hospitalized 6-12-Year-Old Children. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 2017; 10:187-192.
8.Sadeghi T, Seyed Bagheri SH. Challenges of teacher-based clinical evaluation from nursing students' point of view: Qualitative content analysis. J Educ Health Promot 2017; 6:72.
9.Vakilian A, Razavi-Nasab SM, Ravari A, Mirzaei T, Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Jalali N, et al. Vitamin B-12 in Association with Antipsychotic Drugs Can Modulate the Expression of Pro-/Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines in Alzheimer Disease Patients. Neuroimmunomodulation 2017; 24:310-319.
Published articles with affiliation of NCDRC in 2018
10.Abdoli H, Sadeghi T, Kazemi M. The effect of educating the clients of rehab centers on the frequency of methadone poisoning among children: a study from Iran. Int J Adolesc Med Health 2018.
11.Agha-Mohammadhasani P, Mokhtaree M, Nazari A, Rahnama A. Comparison of Sexual Function and Serum Testosterone Levels in Men Opiate Addicts, under Methadone Maintenance Therapy, and Healthy Men. Addict Health 2018; 10:76-85.
12.Ahmadi Z, Sadeghi T, Loripoor M. The outcomes of peer-led diabetes education in comparison to education delivered by health professionals in Iranian patients. Health Education Research 2018; 33:64-72.
13.Bagheri V, Khorramdelazad H, Hassanshahi G, Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Vakilian A. CXCL12 and CXCR4 in the Peripheral Blood of Patients with Parkinson's Disease. Neuroimmunomodulation 2018; 25:201-205.
14.Behfar S, Hassanshahi G, Nazari A, Khorramdelazad H. A brief look at the role of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (CCL2) in the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Cytokine 2018; 110:226-231.
15.Hajimohammadi N, Sadeghi T, Hosseini SH. Evaluating the Effect of an Educational Intervention for Nursing Managers on the Rate of Incidents Reported at University Hospitals of Iran. Hospital topics 2018; 96:47-53.
16.Hatefi A, Sadeghi T, Emtiazy M. Comparing the effect of golghand and psyllium on constipation among the elderly: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Medicinal Plants 2018; 17:25-34.
17.Jabbarpour M, Abdoli F, Kazemi M. The effect of providing information about the patient’s condition on the anxiety level of the family members of hospitalized patients with traumatic brain injury. HAYAT 2018; 24:127-139.
18.Khodadadi H, Vatankhah S, Sadeghi T. Indexes of Caring for Elderly in Earthquakes According to the Iranian Experience: A Qualitative Study. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2018; 12:493-501.
19.Khodadadi H, Vatankhah S, Sadeghi T. The needs of elderly during an earthquake: qualitative content analysis Running Title: Elderly and earthquake. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research 2018; 9:721-729.
20.Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Khorramdelazad H, Hassanshahi G, Shahsavari S, Moadab A, Vakilian A. Eotaxins and C-C chemokine receptor type 3 in Parkinson's disease. Acta Neurol Belg 2018.
21.Mozafari N, Shamsizadeh A, Fatemi I, Allahtavakoli M, Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Kaviani E, et al. CX691 as an AMPA receptor positive modulator, improves the learning and memory in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 2018; 21:724-730.
22.Nadimi AE, Ebrahimipour SY, Afshar EG, Falahati-Pour SK, Ahmadi Z, Mohammadinejad R, et al. Nano-scale drug delivery systems for antiarrhythmic agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2018; 157:1153-1163.
23.Nazer M, Mirzaei H, Mokhtaree M. Effectiveness of neurofeedback training on verbal memory, visual memory and self-efficacy in students. Electron Physician 2018; 10:7259-7265.
24.Nejadbagheri S, Hosseini HS, Kazemi M. The Effects of Arnigol Cream on Pain Associated with Arteriovenous Fistula Puncture in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial study. Nursing and Midwifery Studies 2018; 7:100-104.
25.Niya NM, Kazemi M, Abazari F, Ahmadi F. Personal motivations of Iranian men and women in making decision to do face cosmetic surgery: A qualitative study. Electronic Journal of General Medicine 2018; 15.
26.Samanian A, Sadeghi T, Kazemi M. Frequency of Miss Triage Using Emergency Severity Index and Shock Index in Patients with Abdominal Trauma. Trauma Monthly 2018; 23.
27.Vakilian A, Bazmandegan G, Ebrahimi M, Sharifabadi AR, Ahmadi AM. Follow-up of monosymptomatic presentation of multiple sclerosis according to immunological tests and clinical examinations. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research 2018; 8:83-87.
28.Vakilian A, Bazmandegan G, Nezhad MS, Asadollahi Z, Ahmadi AM. Association of HbA1c levels with extent and functional status of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences 2018; 25:307-317.
Published articles with affiliation of NCDRC in 2019
1- Zakeri M, Fatemi I, Kaeidi A, et al. Pro-neurocognitive and anti-sarcopenic benefits of one-year metformin therapy in ovariectomized aged mice. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2019;46(12):1133-1140.
2- Ayoobi, F., Bidaki, R., Shamsizadeh, A., Moghadam-Ahmadi, A., Amiri, H. Impact of opium dependency on clinical and neuropsychological indices of multiple sclerosis patients. Neurological Sciences,2019; 40(12), pp. 2501-2507
3- S Bazmandegan, G., Amirteimoury, M., Kaeidi, A., Hassanipour, M., Fatemi, I. umatriptan ameliorates renal injury induced by cisplatin in mice. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences,2019; 22(5), pp. 563-567
4- Pourmasumi, S., Khoradmehr, A., Rahiminia, T., Talebi, A.R., Ghasemzadeh, J. Evaluation of sperm chromatin integrity using aniline blue and toluidine blue staining in infertile and normozoospermic men. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility,2019; 20(2), pp. 95-101
5- Nazari, A., Ketabchi, A.A., Pakmanesh, H., Fard, A., Kharazmi, F. What is the optimum age of male fertility in infertile couples? Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences,2019; 26(2), pp. 161-168
6- Mahmoodi M, Amiri H, Ayoobi F, et al. Carvacrol ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through modulating pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Life Sci. 2019;219:257-263.
7- Dehnamaki F, Karimi A, Pilevarian AA, et al. Treatment with troxerutin protects against cisplatin-induced kidney injury in mice. Acta Chir Belg. 2019;119(1):31-37.
8- Bagheri, V., Khorramdelazad, H., Hassanshahi, G., Moghadam-Ahmadi, A., Vakilian, A. CXCL12 and CXCR4 in the Peripheral Blood of Patients with Parkinson's Disease. NeuroImmunoModulation,2019; 25(4), pp. 201-205
9- Mahmoodi, M., Ayoobi, F., Aghaei, A., Jafarzadeh, A., Sankian, M. Beneficial effects of Thymus vulgaris extract in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: Clinical, histological and cytokine alterations. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy,2019
10- Ayoobi F, Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Amiri H, et al. Achillea millefolium is beneficial as an add-on therapy in patients with multiple sclerosis: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. Phytomedicine.
11- Sadeghi, T., Azimi, A., Loripoor, M. Comparing the effect of black cohosh versus vitagnus on the impovement of menopause symptoms. Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility,2019
12- Vakilian, A., Masoumi, J., Mirzaee, S., Khorramdelazad, H. Expression analysis of beta-secretase 1 (BACE1) enzyme in peripheral blood of patients with Alzheimer's disease . Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine,2019
30.Azimpour S, Hosseini HS, Eftekhari A, Kazemi M. The effects of vibration and massage on randomized cross-over clinical trial. Journal of Renal Injury Prevention 2019; 8:106-111.
31.Bazmandegan G, Amirteimoury M, Kaeidi A, Shamsizadeh A, Khademalhosseini M, Nematollahi MH, et al. Sumatriptan ameliorates renal injury induced by cisplatin in mice. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 2019; 22:563-567.
34.Mahmoodi M, Ayoobi F, Aghaei A, Rahmani M, Taghipour Z, Hosseini A, et al. Beneficial effects of Thymus vulgaris extract in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: Clinical, histological and cytokine alterations. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2019; 109:2100-2108.
35.Pourmasumi S, Khoradmehr A, Rahiminia T, Sabeti P, Talebi AR, Ghasemzadeh J. Evaluation of Sperm Chromatin Integrity Using Aniline Blue and Toluidine Blue Staining in Infertile and Normozoospermic Men. J Reprod Infertil 2019; 20:95-101.
Published articles with affiliation of NCDRC in 2020
1- Dehghan M, Malakoutikhah A, Ghaedi Heidari F, Zakeri MA. The Effect of Abdominal Massage on Gastrointestinal Functions: a Systematic Review. Complement Ther Med. 2020;54:102553.
2- GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators. Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Lancet. 2020;396(10258):1204-1222.
3- GBD 2019 Demographics Collaborators. Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2019: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2020;396(10258):1160-1203.
4- GBD 2019 Viewpoint Collaborators. Five insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet. 2020;396(10258):1135-1159.
5- Esmaeili Nadimi A, Ahmadi Z, Falahati-Pour SK, et al. Physicochemical properties and health benefits of pistachio nuts. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2020;90(5-6):564-574.
6- Maryam A, Fariba A, Azita M, Babak B, Tabandeh S. The Effects of Auriculotherapy on Shoulder Pain After a Cesarean Section. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2020;13(5):157-162.
7- Davar, R., Pourmasumi, S., Mohammadi, B., Lahijani, M.M. The effect of low-dose aspirin on the pregnancy rate in frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles: A randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine,2020; 18(9):693-700
8- Masoumi, Z., Abdoli, F., Esmaeilzadeh, S., Sadeghi, T. The Effect of Supportive-Training Intervention on the Burnout of Mothers with Disabled Child: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Caring Sciences,2020; 9(3):133-139
9- Abdoli H, Sadeghi T, Kazemi M. The effect of educating the clients of rehab centers on the frequency of methadone poisoning among children: a study from Iran. Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2018;32(4)
10- Nazari A, Valizadeh MR, Hassanshahi G, Khorramdelazad H. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in infertile men with varicocele. J Reprod Immunol. 2020;140:103131.
11- Maddahian A, Vakilian A. Constipation associated to tension type of headache in women. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2020;78(7):456-457.
12- Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Khorramdelazad H, Hassanshahi G, Shahsavari S, Moadab A, Vakilian A. Eotaxins and C-C chemokine receptor type 3 in Parkinson's disease. Acta Neurol Belg. 2020;120(3):589-594.
13- Talebipour, A., Vakilian, A., Sadeghi, T., Reza Sayadi, A. The Effect of Foot Reflexive Massage on the Physiological Indexes of Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) patients . Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences,2020; 14(2), pp. 1148-1154
14- Derakhshan, R., Hosseini, F., Derakhshan, S., Sadeghi, T. Evaluation of pulse oximetry in the early detection of congenital heart diseases in newborns.Iranian Journal of Neonatology,2020; 11(2):14-18
15- Jalali Z, Parvaz N. Molecular evolution of autophagy rate-limiting factor LAMP2 in placental mammals. Gene. 2020;727:144231.
16- Zakeri, M.A., Khoshnood, Z., Dehghan, M., Abazari, F. The effect of the Continuous Care Model on treatment adherence in patients with myocardial infarction: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Research in Nursing,2020; 25(1), pp. 54-65
17- Eftekhar M, Mirhashemi ES, Molaei B, Pourmasumi S. Is there any association between vitamin D levels and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) phenotypes?. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2020;64(1):11-16.
18- Jaberi, A., Zamani, F., Nadimi, A., Bonabi, T. Effect of family presence during teaching rounds on patient's anxiety and satisfaction in cardiac intensive care unit: A double-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Education and Health Promotion,2020; 9(1):-
19- Zakeri, M.A., Khoshnood, Z., Dehghan, M., Abazari, F. The effect of the Continuous Care Model on treatment adherence in patients with myocardial infarction: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Research in Nursing,2020; 25(1), pp. 54-65
20- Eftekhar M, Mirhashemi ES, Molaei B, Pourmasumi S. Is there any association between vitamin D levels and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) phenotypes?. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2020;64(1):11-16.
21- Jaberi, A., Zamani, F., Nadimi, A., Bonabi, T. Effect of family presence during teaching rounds on patient's anxiety and satisfaction in cardiac intensive care unit: A double-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Education and Health Promotion,2020; 9(1):-
22- Nazari, A., Ahmadi, Z., Hassanshahi, G.,Falahati-Pour, S.K., Khorramdelazad, H. Effective treatments for bladder cancer affecting CXCL9/CXCL10/CXCL11/ CXCR3 axis: A review. Oman Medical Journal,2020; 35(2),e103
23- Dehghan, M., Jazinizade, M., Malakoutikhah, A., Janfaza, F., Zakeri, M.A. Stress and Quality of Life of Patients with Cancer: The Mediating Role of Mindfulness. Journal of Oncology, 2020:-
24- Javaheri, A., Kianfar, K., Pourmasumi, S., Eftekhar, M. Platelet-rich plasma in the management of Asherman's syndrome: An RCT. International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine,2020; 18(2), pp. 113-120
25- Bazmandegan, G., Shamsizadeh, A., FathiNajafi, M., Amirteimoury, M., Boroushaki, M.T. Iranian brown propolis possesses neuroprotective effect against ischemic neuronal damage in mice. Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology,2020; 9(2), pp. 121-129
26- Dehghan, M., Mehdipour-Rabori, R., Rayani, M., Iranmanesh, M., Rezai, N. Comparison of the importance and observance of the patient's bill of rights from the perspectives of patients and personnel of hospitals in Kerman. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine,2020; 13:1-14
27- Salehi, H., Fekri, M., Vakilian, A., Rezaeaian, M., Ahmadinia, H. The comparison of the effects of two botulinum toxin a injection methods, follow the pain and fixed-site fixed-dose, on improving the quality of life and headaches in patients with chronic migraine: A preliminary randomized clinical trial. Turk Noroloji Dergisi, 26(4),2020; pp. 269-276
28- Vakilian, A., Sadeghi, T., Seyedbagheri, S.H.,Azin, H., Jalali, N. Effect of Public Education Regarding Stroke Warning Signs on Pre-Hospital Delay and Frequency of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Therapy in Stroke Patients: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Jundishapur Journal of Chronic Disease Care,2020; 9(1),e97862
29- An Epidemiological Survey of Mortality among Patients Admitted in Ali Ibn Abitaleb Hospital in Rafsanjan, Southeast Iran, 2019 . Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology,2020; 9(4):219-224
30- Eftekhar, M., Soleiiiianian, S., Pourmasumi, S., Ghasemi, N., Moshrefi, M. Polymorphism of vascular endothelial growth factor gene-1154 G/A in women with recurrent miscarriage and IVF failure; A case-control study. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences,2020; 27(2), pp. 150-158
Published articles with affiliation of NCDRC in 2021
1- Khalili P, Jamali Z, Sadeghi T, Esmaeili-Nadimi A, Mohamadi M, Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Ayoobi F, Nazari A. Risk factors of kidney stone disease: a cross-sectional study in the southeast of Iran. BMC Urol. 2021 Oct 8;21(1):141.
2- Khalili P, Nadimi AE, Baradaran HR, Janani L, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Rajabi Z, Rahmani A, Hojati Z, Khalagi K, Motevalian SA. Validity of self-reported substance use: research setting versus primary health care setting. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2021 Sep 14;16(1):66.
3- Zakeri, M.A., Hossini Rafsanjanipoor, S.M., Sedri, N., Talebi, A., Dehghan, M. Psychosocial status during the prevalence of COVID-19 disease: the comparison between healthcare workers and general population. Current Psychology,2021
4- Jalali Z, Khademalhosseini M, Soltani N, Esmaeili Nadimi A. Smoking, alcohol and opioids effect on coronary microcirculation: an update overview. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2021 Apr 15;21(1):185.
5- Sasanejad P, Afshar Hezarkhani L, Arsang-Jang S, et al. Safety and Outcomes of Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy in Ischemic Stroke Patients with COVID-19: CASCADE Initiative. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021 Dec;30(12):106121.
6- Khalili P, Ayoobi F, Mohamadi M, Jamalizadeh A, La Vecchia C, Esmaeili-Nadimi A. Effect of opium consumption on cardiovascular diseases - a cross- sectional study based on data of Rafsanjan cohort study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2021 Jan 2;21(1):2.
7- Sardari F, Khalili P, Hakimi H, Mahmoudaghaei S, Abedi P. The prevalence of denture stomatitis in cigarette and hookah smokers and opium addicts: findings from Rafsanjan Cohort Study. BMC Oral Health. 2021 Sep 17;21(1):455.
8- Dehghan, M., Namjoo, Z., Mohammadi Akbarabadi, F., Fooladi, Z., Zakeri, M.A. The relationship between anxiety, stress, spiritual health, and mindfulness among patients undergoing hemodialysis: A survey during the COVID-19 outbreak in Southeast Iran .Health Science Reports,2021
9- Jalali Z, Bahrampour S, Khalili P, Khademalhosseini M, Esmaeili Nadimi A. Cohort-based analysis of paternal opioid use in relation to offspring's BMI and plasma lipid profile. Sci Rep. 2021 May 4;11(1):9462.
10- Danafar, A., Khoradmehr, A., Bondarabadi, M.H., Rahiminia, T., Anvari, M. Impairment of sperm efficiency in mice following short-term nano-titanium dioxide exposure: An experimental study. International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine,2021
11- Rahimi Mehdi Abad F, Khalili P, Jalali F, Pirsadeghi A, Esmaeili Nadimi A, Manshoori A, Jalali Z. Maternal opioid use is reflected on leukocyte telomere length of male newborns. PLoS One. 2021 Dec
12- Mohammadi, M., Ayoobi, F., Khalili, P., La Vecchia, C., Vakilian, A. Relation of hypertension with episodic primary headaches and chronic primary headaches in population of Rafsanjan cohort stud. Scientific Reports,2021
13- Hashemian, M., Mirafzal, A., Noroozi, M., Kazemi, M., Samadi, S. The Effects of Ultrasound-guided and Anatomic landmark-based Superficial Cervical Plexus Block on Post-operative Pain Intensity in Thyroidectomy Patients: A Clinical Trial. Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research,2021
14- Khanamani Falahati-Pour S, Pourmasumi S, Mohamadi M, et al. The Effect of Phytosterols and Fatty Acids of Pistachio (Pistacia vera) Oil on Spermatogenesis and Histological Testis Changes in Wistar Adult Male Rats. Urol J. 2021;19(1):75-82.
15- Zakeri, M.A., Rahiminezhad, E., Salehi, F., Ganjeh, H., Dehghan, M. Burnout, Anxiety, Stress, and Depression Among Iranian Nurses: Before and During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology,2021
16- Zeighami, M., Mangolian Shahrbabaki, P., Zakeri, M.A., Dehghan, M. Loss of Individual and Social Identity: Consequences of Sexual Harassment of Iranian Nurses in the Workplace. Frontiers in Psychology,2021
17- Koosha F, Eynali S, Eyvazzadeh N, Kamalabadi MA. The effect of iodine-131 beta-particles in combination with A-966492 and Topotecan on radio-sensitization of glioblastoma: An in-vitro study. Appl Radiat Isot. 2021;177:109904.
18- Absalan, A., Lotfipour, S.M., Lori Poor, M., Fard, M.K., Ahmadinia, H. The effect of Evening primrose on blood sugar and lipid profile of prediabetic postmenopausal women: Randomized clinical trial. Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility,2021
19- Kinyoki D, Osgood-Zimmerman AE, Bhattacharjee NV; Local Burden of Disease Anaemia Collaborators, Kassebaum NJ, Hay SI. Anemia prevalence in women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2018. Nat Med. 2021;27(10):1761-1782.
20- Amin F, Memarzia A, Kazemi Rad H, Shakeri F, Boskabady MH. Systemic inflammation and oxidative stress induced by inhaled paraquat in rat improved by carvacrol, possible role of PPARγ receptors. Biofactors. 2021;47(5):778-787.
21- Yaghoubipoor M, Seyed Bagheri SH, Khoshab H. The mediating role of difficulties in emotion regulation on attachment styles of adolescents with conduct disorders. Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2019;33(5):10.
22- Parvaz, N., Jalali, Z. Molecular evolution of PCSK family: Analysis of natural selection rate and gene loss. PLoS ONE,2021
23- Vakilian A, Ahmadi AM, Heidari M, et al. Vitamin B12 Administration Facilitates The Antipsychotic And Pain-Relieving Effects Of Quetiapine, In The Alzheimer Patients With Psychotic Symptoms. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2021;33(Suppl 1)(4):S744-S751.
24- Zakeri MA, Maazallahi M, Ehsani V, Dehghan M. Iranian psychosocial status during and after COVID-19 outbreak mandatory quarantine: A cross-sectional study. J Community Psychol. 2021;49(7):2506-2516.
25- Sabeti P, Pourmasumi S, Fagheirelahee N. Effect of Selenium and Vitamin E on the Level of Sperm HSPA2+, Intracellular Superoxide Anion and Chromatin Integrity in Idiopathic Asthenoteratozoospermia: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo- Controlled Trial. Urol J. 2021;18(5):549-555.
26- Nikzad, N., Kazemi, M., Abdoli, F. Comparing the effect of foot reflexology and massage therapy on serum bilirubin levels in neonates with hyperbilirubinemia treated with phototherapy: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences,2021
27- Bahramsari, J., Kazemi, M., Nezahad, A.N., Sadeghi, T. Effect of topical rosemary ointment on the phlebitis and peripheral vascular catheter infection in children. Koomesh,2021
28- Zakeri MA, Hossini Rafsanjanipoor SM, Zakeri M, Dehghan M. The relationship between frontline nurses' psychosocial status, satisfaction with life and resilience during the prevalence of COVID-19 disease. Nurs Open. 2021;8(4):1829-1839.
29- Hodoodi, F., Allah-Tavakoli, M., Tajik, F., Fatemi, I., Moghadam Ahmadi, A. The effect of head cooling and remote ischemic conditioning on patients with traumatic brain injury. iScience,2021
30- ayoobi, F., khalili, P., azin, H., Shahrokhabadi, S., azin, M. Effects of tactile stimulation on the sensory, motor and cognitive function in people with multiple sclerosis. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery,2021
31- Dehghan, M., Namjoo, Z., Zarei, A.,Bahrami, A., Zakeri, M.A. The relationship between coronavirus anxiety, mindfulness and spiritual health in patients with cancer: A survey in southeast iran. Psychiatry Investigation,2021
32-Hakimi H, Ahmadi J, Vakilian A, et al. The profile of Rafsanjan Cohort Study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2021;36(2):243-252.
33- Abbasifard, M., Heidari, M.R., Kamiab, Z., Amirteimoury, M., Bazmandegan, G. Comparison of Gastric-ulcerogenecity Effect of Methanolic Extract of Capparis spinosa and Indomethacin in Rat. Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products,2021
34- Kiani, S., Vakilian, A., Kamiab, Z., Shamsizadeh, A. Correlation of dietary intake and helicobacter pylori infection with multiple sclerosis, a case-control study in Rafsanjan, Iran, 2017-18. Qatar Medical Journal,2021
35- Zakeri MA, Bazmandegan G, Ganjeh H, et al. Is nurses' clinical competence associated with their compassion satisfaction, burnout and secondary traumatic stress? A cross-sectional study. Nurs Open. 2020;8(1):354-363.
36- Zakeri MA, Dehghan M. The impact of the COVID-19 disease on the referral and admission of the non-COVID-19 patients. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2021;36(1):209-211.
37- Zadeh, H.G., Fayazi, A., Melikian, N., Monaghan, M.J., Eskandari, M. Algorithm for Recognition of Left Atrial Appendage Boundaries in Echocardiographic Images. Iranian Journal of Medical Physics,2021
38- GBD 2019 Stroke Collaborators. Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Neurol. 2021;20(10):795-820.
39- Zakeri, M.A., Dehghan, M., Ghaedi Heidari, F., Sanji Rafsanjani, M. Mental health outcomes among health-care workers during the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran. Mental Health Review Journal,2021
40- Lu X, Nanehkaran YA, Karimi Fard M. A Method for Optimal Detection of Lung Cancer Based on Deep Learning Optimized by Marine Predators Algorithm. Comput Intell Neurosci. 2021;3694723.
41- Zakeri MA, Dehghan M, Ghaedi-Heidari F, Zakeri M, Bazmandegan G. Chronic Patients' Activation and Its Association with Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Quality of Life: A Survey in Southeast Iran. Biomed Res Int. 2021;6614566.
42- Boskabady, M.H., Amin, F., Shakeri, F. The Effect of Curcuma longa on Inflammatory Mediators and Immunological, Oxidant, and Antioxidant Biomarkers in Asthmatic Rats. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2021
43- Zakeri, M.A., Bagheripour, M.H., Iriti, M., Dehghan, M. Portal Vein Thrombosis after the Consumption of Date Seed Powder: A Case Study. Case Reports in Medicine,2021
44- Zakeri, M.A., Dehghan, M. The role of continuing education in protecting nurses against covid-19. Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology,2021
45- Morowatisharifabad MA, Asadpour M, Zakeri MA, Abdolkarimi M. The Effect of Integrated Intervention Based on Protection Motivation Theory and Implementation Intention to Promote Physical Activity and Physiological Indicators of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Biomed Res Int. 2021;6637656.
46- Karimifard, M., Aminorroaya, A., Amini, M., Yamini, S., Alijanvand, M. The effect of alendronate on lipid profile of postmenopausal women with osteopenia and prediabetes: A randomized triple-blind clinical trial. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences,2021
47- Malakoutikhah, A., Zakeri, M.A., Salehi Derakhtanjani, A., Dehghan, M. The Psychometric Properties of the Relaxation/Meditation/Mindfulness (RMM) Tracker t Inventory in an Iranian Population. BioMed Research International, 2021:-
48- Shahpari, M., Heidari, S., Sadeghi, T. The effects of a telephone-based orientation program, delivered during the waiting time, on anxiety in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Journal of Perioperative Nursing,2021 34(1):1-8
49- Kazemi Rad, H., Memarzia, A., Amin, F., Boskabady, M.H. Relaxant Effect of Urginea maritima on Tracheal Smooth Muscle Mediated by the Effect on Beta-2 Adrenergic, Muscarinic Receptors and Calcium and Potassium Channels. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2021,6637990
50- Kafi, M., Fard, M.K., Yamini, S.A. Diabetic ketoacidosis and covid-19: Two case reports. Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology,2021; 10(1):12-16
51- Sadeghi-Hokmabadi, E., Ghoreishi, A., Rikhtegar, R.,Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari, M. Low-dose versus standard-dose alteplase for intravenous thrombolysis in patients with acute ischemic stroke in Iran: Results from the safe implementation of treatments in stroke registry. Current Journal of Neurology,2021; 20(4), pp. 208-213
52- Vakilian, A., Kamiab, Z., Afzal, S., Moghadam-Ahmadi, A., Jalali, N. Investigating the in-Hospital Mortality Rate of Stroke and its Related Factors at Ali-Ibn-Abi Talib Hospital of Rafsanjan. Gulhane Medical Journal,2021; 63(2), pp. 110-116
53- Khorram, F.-S., Mehdipour, A., Moghadam-Ahmadi, A.,Parsi, M., Arababadi, M.K. Brain magnetic resonance imaging without contrast significantly increased serum levels of IL-6, but not IL-10, IL-17A and TGF-beta. Brain Injury,2021; 35(11):1451-1456
54- Vakilian, A., Babaeipour, H., Sahebozamani, M., Mohammadipour, F. The effect of aquatic training on static and semi-dynamic balance of patients with chronic ischemic stroke: A randomized clinical trial. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,2021; 67(3), pp. 315-321
55- Hashemi, Z., Sadeghi, T., Amiri, A., Ghanbari, M., Shokrpour, N. Afghan refugee women's experiences of communication apprehension and fear of physician in the iranian health care system, during covid-19 pandemic, rafsanjan, iran (2020). Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology,2021; 10(3), pp. 150-157
Published articles with affiliation of NCDRC in 2022
1- Noroozi Karimabad M, Khalili P, Ayoobi F, Esmaeili-Nadimi A, La Vecchia C, Jamali Z. Serum liver enzymes and diabetes from the Rafsanjan cohort study. BMC Endocr Disord. 2022 May 12;22(1):127.
2- Jamali Z, Noroozi Karimabad M, Khalili P, Sadeghi T, Sayadi A, Mohammadakbari Rostamabadi F, La Vecchia C, Esmaeili-Nadimi A. Prevalence of dyslipidemia and its association with opium consumption in the Rafsanjan cohort study. Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 7;12(1):11504.
3- Sepanlou S, Najafi F, Poustchi H, et al. Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension based on ACC/AHA versus JNC7 guidelines in the PERSIAN cohort study. Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 8;12(1):4057.
4- Zakeri MA, Khoram S, Bazmandegan G, Ghaedi-Heidari F, et al. Postpartum depression and its correlates: a cross-sectional study in southeast Iran. BMC Womens Health. 2022 Sep 22;22(1):387.
5- Borhani-Haghighi A, Hooshmandi E, Zahediasl F, et al. Early and mid-term outcomes of carotid angioplasty and stent placement in 579 patients. J Neuroimaging. 2022 Nov;32(6):1161-1169.
6- Amini M, Moradinazar M, Rajati F, et al. Socioeconomic inequalities in prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension: evidence from the PERSIAN cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2022
7- Kavousi, Y., Mohammadi, M., Kamalabadi, M.A., Koosha, F .Gold nanoparticles in radiation therapy: an old story yet mesmerizing. Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer, 2022.Review
8- Jalali N, Khalili P, Bahrampour S, Mahmoudabadi M, Esmaeili Nadimi A, Jalali Z. Cross-sectional study of passive opiate smoking in relation to stroke and some of stroke attributable risk factors in women. Sci Rep. 2022 Sep 30;12(1):16367.
9- Dehghan, M., Hoseini, F.s., Mohammadi Akbarabadi, F. et al. Quality of life in terminally ill cancer patients: what is the role of using complementary and alternative medicines?. Support Care Cancer 30, 9421–9432 (2022).
10- Amin, F., Ostadebrahimi, H., Kamiab, Z., Saadat, S., Shakiba, E. Correlation between health literacy and self-care behaviors in patients with COVID-19 .Journal of Health Literacy, 2022
11- Salimpour M, Dehghan M, Ahmadi A, et al.Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on perceived stress among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Perspect Psychiatr Care. 2022 Oct;58(4):2962-2969.
12- Zakeri, M.A., Zakeri Bazmandeh, A., Kahnooji, M., Dehghan, M. New challenge for the health care system in Iran: The need to prepare for the monkeypox virus .Frontiers in Medicine, 2022
13- Zeighami M, Zakeri MA, Mangolian Shahrbabaki P, Dehghan M. Bitter silence allows sexual harassment to continue in workplace: A qualitative study in Iranian nurses. Front Public Health. 2022 Sep 12;10:971522.
14- Ayoobi, F., Charmahini, S.A., Asadollahi, Z.,Abedi, P., Azin, M. Divergent and Convergent Thinking Abilities in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2022
15- Zeighami, M., Zakeri, M.A., Mangolian Shahrbabaki, P., Dehghan, M. Strategies to prevent workplace sexual harassment among Iranian nurses: A qualitative study. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
16- Abdolkarimi, M., Masoomi, M., Lotfipur, S.S., Zakeri, M.A.The relationship between spiritual health and happiness in medical students during the COVID-19 outbreak: A survey in southeastern Iran. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
17- Malakoutikhah, A., Zakeri, M.A., Koenig, H.G., Dehghan, M. The psychometric properties of the Persian version of the moral injury symptoms scale-health care professionals version. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
18- Abdolkarimi, M., Seyedbagheri, S., Ganjeh, H., Kahnooji, M., Zakeri, M.A. Resiliency and its Relationship with Secondary Traumatic Stress among Nursing Staff during COVID-19 Pandemic.Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2022
19- Azin, H., Vakilian, A., Najafi, M.R., Seifaddini, R., Azin, M. Progressive fulminant necrotizing myelitis in COVID-19 infection; Case report of a rare complication. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 2022
20- GBD 2020 Alcohol Collaborators. Population-level risks of alcohol consumption by amount, geography, age, sex, and year: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020. Lancet. 2022
21- Zakeri, M.A., Ghaedi-Heidari, F., Khaloobagheri, E.,Zakeri Bazmandeh, A., Dehghan, M. The Relationship Between Nurse's Professional Quality of Life, Mindfulness, and Hardiness: A Cross-Sectional Study During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
22- Azizi, E., Ayoobi, F., Shamsizadeh, A.,Khoshdel, A., Mirzaei, M.R. Effect of Short-time Exposure of Local Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields on Sleepiness in Male Rats. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 2022
23- Zakeri, M.A., Sedri, N., Bazmandegan, G. Safariyan, M., Dehghan, M. Patients' knowledge and concerns about using the implantable cardioverter defibrillator for the primary prevention of sudden cardiac death and its correlates: A cross-sectional study. Health Science Reports, 2022
24- Vakilian, A., Ranjbar, E.Z., Hassanipour, M., Ahmadinia, H., Hasani, H. The effectiveness of virtual interactive video in comparison with online classroom in the stroke topic of theoretical neurology in COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 2022
25- Zakeri, M.A., Dakkalirad, A., Saedi, F.,Ahmadipour, M., Dehghan, M. Depression and Self-Efficacy Among Iranian Children During the Prevalence of COVID-19 Disease. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2022
26-Dehghan, M., Hoseini, F.S., Zakeri, M.A. Psychosomatic Symptoms in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients and Its Relation With Using Complementary and Alternative Medicines: A Cross-Sectional Study in Southeast Iran. Frontiers in Psychiatry,2022
27- Izadi M, Ghaedi-Heidari F, Sadeghi T, Ahmadi A, Sayadi AR, Seyedbagheri S. The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Posttraumatic Stress of Mothers With Premature Neonates Admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Holist Nurs Pract. 2022
28- Hekmat, S., Neshastehriz, A., Kamalabadi, M.A.,Ghaznavi, H., Afjeh-Dana, E. Different Effects of Reversible Electroporation-Mediated Fe3O4@AuNPs Delivery as Radiosensitizing Agents on Cancer Cells versus Normal Cells. Nano,2022
29- Poorrahimian, M., Shahabi, M., Sadeghi, T. Comparing the Effect of Patient-Centered and Family-Centered Education on Quality of life and HBA1C Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 2022
30- Malakoutikhah, A., Zakeri, M.A., Dehghan, M. A Comparison Between the Relaxation/Meditation/Mindfulness Tracker t Inventory and the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory for Predicting General Health, Anxiety, and Anger in Adult General Population. Frontiers in Psychology,2022
31- Malakoutikhah A, Zakeri MA, Salehi Derakhtanjani A, Dehghan M. Anxiety, anger, and mindfulness as predictors of general health in the general population during COVID-19 outbreak: A survey in southeast Iran. J Community Psychol. 2022 Mar;50(2):916-927.
32- Tehrani Fateh, S., Ahmadi Kamalabadi, M., Aliakbarniya, A., Keyhanfar, F., Shiralizadeh Dezfuli. Hydrophobic@amphiphilic hybrid nanostructure of iron-oxide and graphene quantum dot surfactant as a theranostic platform. OpenNano,2022
33- Zakeri, M.A., Rahiminezhad, E., Salehi, F., Ganjeh, H., Dehghan, M. Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue and Hardiness Among Nurses: A Comparison Before and During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Frontiers in Psychology,2022
34- Bagheri-Hosseinabadi, Z., Pirsadeghi, A., Rahnama, A., Bahrehmand, F., Abbasifard, M. Is there any relationship between serum zinc levels and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 gene expression in patients with coronavirus disease 2019? Meta Gene,2022
35- Motahareh, B., Shahin, H., Masoud, M., Tabandeh, S. The effects of Melissa officinalis leaf extract on anxiety among patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries. Journal of Herbal Medicine,2022
36- Dehghan M, Ghanbari A, Ghaedi Heidari F, Mangolian Shahrbabaki P, Zakeri MA. Use of complementary and alternative medicine in general population during COVID-19 outbreak: A survey in Iran. J Integr Med. 2022 Jan;20(1):45-51.
37- Dini, A., Nadimi, A.E., Behmaram, K. The Effect of Monitoring System on Risk Assessment of Aflatoxins in Iran's Pistachio Nuts Exported to the E.U. During 2012-2018. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,2022
38- Falahati-pour, S.K., Pourmasumi, S., Mohamadi, M., Falahatipour, S.K., Nazari, A. The Effect of Phytosterols and Fatty Acids of Pistachio (Pistacia vera) Oil on Spermatogenesis and Histological Testis Changes in Wistar Adult Male Rats. Urology Journal,2022
39- Hossini Rafsanjanipoor SM, Zakeri MA, Dehghan M, Kahnooji M, Sanji Rafsanjani M, Ahmadinia H, Zakeri M. Iranian psychosocial status and its determinant factors during the prevalence of COVID-19 disease. Psychol Health Med. 2022 Jan;27(1):30-41.
40- Nozari P, Mokhtari P, Nemati M, Zainodini N, Taghipour Z, Asadi F, Ayoobi F, Jafarzadeh A. Investigation of the effect of IFN-γ/TNF-α-treated mesenchymal stem cells on Th9- and Treg cell-related parameters in a mouse model of ovalbumin-induced allergic asthma. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2022 Oct;44(5):773-785.
41- Khalili, P., Abdollahpoor, S., Ayoobi, F., Rajabi, Z., Jamali, Z. Evaluation of Relationship between Serum Liver Enzymes and Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on Data from Rafsanjan Cohort Study. International Journal of Hypertension,2022
42- Shahabadi N, Moshiri M, Roohbakhsh A, Imenshahidi M, Hashemi M, Amin F, Yazdian-Robati R, Salmasi Z, Etemad L. A dose-related positive effect of inhaled simvastatin-loaded PLGA nanoparticles on paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2022 Oct;131(4):251-261
43- Mozafari N, Hassanshahi J, Ostadebrahimi H, Shamsizadeh A, Ayoobi F, Hakimizadeh E, Pak-Hashemi M, Kaeidi A. Neuroprotective effect of Achillea millefolium aqueous extract against oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by chronic morphine in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2022;82(2):179-186
44- Rafiei, M., Salarisedigh, S., Khalili, P., Jamali, Z., Sardari, F. Hormonal Fluctuations and Periodontal Status in Postmenopausal Women. International Journal of Dentistry,2022
45- Rahiminezhad, E., Zakeri, M.A., Dehghan, M. Muscle strength/intensive care unit acquired weakness in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients. Nursing in Critical Care,2022
46- Dehghan M, Namjoo Z, Mollahoseiny Shekarabadi F, et al.Fear of Cancer Recurrence and COVID-19 Anxiety Among Cancer Survivors: A Cross-Sectional Study in Southeast Iran. Cancer Invest. 2022 Aug;40(7):629-641.
47- Jalali, Z., Bahrampour, S., Khalili, P.,Esmaeili Nadimi, A., Sadeghi, T. Cohort-based analysis of maternal age at menarche in relation to young adult offspring anthropometric and metabolic parameters. Clinical Endocrinology,2022
48- Parizi, F.K., Sadeghi, T., Heidari, S. The effect of rosemary ointment on the pressure ulcer healing in patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A randomized clinical trial. Nursing Practice Today,2022
49- Sayadi AR, Seyed Bagheri SH, Khodadadi A, Jafari Torababadi R. The effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) training on serum cortisol levels, depression, stress, and anxiety in type 2 diabetic older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak. J Med Life. 2022 Dec;15(12):1493-1501.
50- Asadi, F., Ayoobi, F., Arababadi, M.K., Arababadi, Z.K., Yousefi-Ahmadipour, A. Aqueous extract of Achillea millefolium significantly affects mesenchymal stem cell renewal and differentiation in a dose dependent manner. Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine,2022
51- Bagheri-Hosseinabadi, Z., Khalili, P., Hakimi, H., Jalali, N., Abbasifard, M. Evaluation of the relationship between opioid addiction and metabolic syndrome and its components in the adult population from Rafsanjan city; a cohort study. Inflammopharmacology,2022
52- Shahsavari, Y., Hosseini, S.H., Sayadi, A.R., Sadeghi, T. Effect of empowerment based on the Gibson model on self-efficacy and quality of life in the mothers of children with thalassemia. HAYAT,2022
53- Heydari, Z., Jaberi, A.A., Bagheri, S.H.S., Bonabi, T.N. Effects of Rosemary Oil on Osteoarthritis Symptoms in the Elderly: A Double-Blind Randomized Control. Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology,2022
54- Masoumi, Z., SeyedBagheri, S., Bakhtar, B., Sadeghi, T. The effect of foot reflexology before suctioning on pain and SPO2 in neonates under nasal CPAP hospitalized in the NICU. Journal of Neonatal Nursing,2022
55- Arabpour Fathabadi, F., Amini, S., Bidaki, R., Bakhshi, H., Bozorg, B. The relationship between dissociative experiences and childhood trauma in nursing and midwifery students. Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika,2022
Published articles with affiliation of NCDRC in 2023
1- Abbasifard M, Khorramdelazad H, Rostamian A, et al. Effects of N-acetylcysteine on systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity and its associated complications: a randomized double-blind clinical trial study. Trials. 2023 Feb 21;24(1):129.
2- Bazmandegan G, Abbasifard M, Nadimi AE, Alinejad H, Kamiab Z. Cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic patients with and without metabolic syndrome: a study based on the Rafsanjan cohort study. Sci Rep. 2023 Jan 11;13(1):559.
3- Vatankhah H, Khalili P, Vatanparast M, Ayoobi F, Esmaeili-Nadimi A, Jamali Z. Prevalence of early and late menopause and its determinants in Rafsanjan cohort study. Sci Rep. 2023 Feb 1;13(1):1847
4- Hui, T., Zakeri, M.A., Soltanmoradi, Y. et al. Nurses’ clinical competency and its correlates: before and during the COVID-19 outbreak. BMC Nurs 22, 156 (2023).
5- Kazemi, M., Khalili, P., Kazemi, M. et al. Investigation of the relationship between sleep-related parameters and metabolic syndrome (MetS) among youths in the Southeast of Iran. Diabetol Metab Syndr 15, 91 (2023).
6- Jalali N, Firouzabadi MD, Mirshekar A, Khalili P, Ravangard AR, Ahmadi J, Askari PS, Jalali Z. Cross-sectional analysis of potential risk factors of the pineal gland calcification. BMC Endocr Disord. 2023 Feb 28;23(1):49.
7- Jalali N, Khalili P, Jamali Z, Jalali Z, Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Vakilian A, Ayoobi F. Sleep duration, hypnotic drug use, and risk factors: cross- sectional study. Sci Rep. 2023 Mar 1;13(1):3459.
8- Jalali N, Sadeghi Hokmabadi E, Ghoreishi A, et al.Outcome predictors in anterior and posterior ischemic strokes: a study based on the Iranian SITS registry. Sci Rep. 2023 Jan 21;13(1):1231.
9- Moghadam-Ahmadi A, Soltani N, Ayoobi F, et al.Vakilian A, Lotfi MA, Khalili P. Association between metabolic syndrome and stroke: a population based cohort study. BMC Endocr Disord. 2023 Jun 6;23(1):131.
10- Dehghan M, Malakoutikhah A, Kazemy H, et al.The relationship between beliefs in substance craving and quality of life among narcotics anonymous: a cross-sectional study in southeastern Iran. BMC Psychol. 2023 Apr 20;11(1):126.
11- Khademalhosseini M, Ranjbar E, Mohammadi R, et al. Dietary antioxidants and liver enzymes in Rafsanjan, a Region in Southeast Iran. Sci Rep. 2023 May 26;13(1):8555
12- Khalili, P., Movagharipoor, A., Sardari, F. et al. Oral candidiasis and cigarette, tobacco, alcohol, and opium consumption in Rafsanjan, a region in the southeast of Iran. BMC Oral Health 23, 262 (2023).
13- Wu, H., Aziz, A.R., Dehghan, M., Al-Amer, R., Zakeri, M.A. Use of complementary and alternative medicine for reducing fear of cancer recurrence among cancer survivors: Does it work? 2023
14- Ayoobi F, Salari Sedigh S, Khalili P, et al.Dyslipidemia, diabetes and periodontal disease, a cross-sectional study in Rafsanjan, a region in southeast Iran. BMC Oral Health. 2023 Aug 10;23(1):549.
15- Hajizadeh I, Jamshidi M, Kazemi M, Kargar H, Sadeghi T. Comparison the effect of valerian and gabapentin on RLS and sleep quality in hemodialysis patients: A randomized clinical trial. Ther Apher Dial. 2023 Aug;27(4):621-628.
16- Tashakori M, Jamalizadeh A, Nejad-Ghaderi M, et al. Association between the copper/selenium ratio and the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Biomark Med. 2023 Mar;17(6):307-317.
17- Sadeghi T, Soltani N, Jamali Z, Ayoobi F, et al.The prevalence and associated factors of overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity in South-eastern of Iran: a cross-sectional study based on Rafsanjan cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2023 May 11;23(1):861
18- Abbasifard, M., Kamiab, Z., Bazmandegan, G., et al. Seed Oil Preparation and Its Effects on Knee Osteoarthritis Through a Randomized Double-blind Controlled Clinical Trial. 2023
19- Heidari, Z., Seyedbagheri, S.H., Khalili, P., Sadeghi, T.Comparison of the effect of breast milk odor and Rosa damascena aroma on pain and duration of crying due to blood sampling in neonates: A cross-over clinical trial. HAYAT 2023
20- Hasani, P.A.M., Vakilian, A., Vazirinejad, R., Ahmadinezhad, H. Health-Promoting Behaviors and Self-efficacy of Health Behaviors in Ischemic Stroke Patients, Rafsanjan, 2019. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 2023
21- Khalili P, Ayoobi F, Kahkesh Pour F, Esmaeili-Nadimi A, Abassifard M, La Vecchia C, Jamali Z. Serum liver enzymes and metabolic syndrome from the Rafsanjan Cohort Study. J Investig Med. 2023 Feb;71(2):140-148.
22- Soleimani, M., Alipour, F., Taghavi, Y. et al. Single-Field Fundus Photography for Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy: The Prevalence and Associated Factors in a Population-Based Study. Diabetes Ther 14, 205–217 (2023).
23- Zakeri MA, Esmaeili Nadimi A, Bazmandegan G, Zakeri M, Dehghan M. Psychometric Evaluation of Chronic Patients Using the Persian Version of Patient Activation Measure (PAM). Eval Health Prof. 2023 Jun;46(2):115-126.
24- Bazmandegan, G., Abbasifard, M., Ostadebrahimi, H., Gholamrezapour, M., Kamiab, Z. Positive Association between Hemoglobin Concentration and Blood Pressure in Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on Rafsanjan Cohort Study. International Journal of Hypertension, 2023
25- Esmaeili-Nadimi A, Imanparast F, Alizadeh S, et al.Total Antioxidant Capacity and Total Oxidant Status and Disease Severity in a Cohort Study of COVID-19 Patients. Clin Lab. 2023 Feb 1;69(2).
26- Parvaz, N., Amin, F., Nadimi, A.E., Eslami, H. Correlation between weather conditions and COVID-19 pandemic in the southeast area of Iran.Spatial Information Research, 2023
27- Kahnooji, M., Karimifar, M., Azin, M., Madahian, A.M., Eslami, H.The Relationship between Exposure to Arsenic in Drinking Water and the Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Two Urban Populations in the Southeastern Areas of Iran. Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development, 2023
28- Daneshvar, S., Zamanian, M.Y., Ivraghi, M.S.,Heidari, M., Bazmandegan, G. A comprehensive view on the apigenin impact on colorectal cancer: Focusing on cellular and molecular mechanisms.Food Science and Nutrition, 2023 / Review
29- Zare, F., Farokhzadian, J., Nematollahi, M.,Zakeri, M.A., Foroughameri, G. Therapeutic Communication Skills Training: An Effective Tool to Improve the Caring Behaviors of ICU Nurses.Acta Medica Iranica, 2023
30- Shakeri, F., Amin, F., Marefati, N.,Boskabady, M., Boskabady, M.H. Effect of Allium cepa extract on total and differential WBC, TP level, oxidant and antioxidant biomarkers, and lung pathology in ovalbumin-sensitized rats. Allergologia et Immunopathologia,2023
31- Ghaedi-Heidari F, Izadi M, Seyedbagheri S, Ahmadi A, Sayadi AR, Sadeghi T. The Effect of Mindfulness on Posttraumatic Growth of Mothers of Premature Infants Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2023
32- Malakoutikhah A, Dehghan M, Ghonchehpour A, Afshar PP, Zakeri MA. A randomized controlled trial on the effects of different music genres on physiologic parameters and emotion. Ir J Med Sci. 2023
33- Moradi S, Parsaei A, Saeedi Moghaddam S, et al. Metabolic risk factors attributed burden in Iran at national and subnational levels, 1990 to 2019. Front Public Health. 2023 Jun 1;11:1149719.
34- Ahmadifard R, Jafarzadeh A, Mahmoodi M, Nemati M, Rahmani M, Khorramdelazad H, Ayoobi F. Interferon-γ-Treated Mesenchymal Stem Cells Modulate the T Cell-Related Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors in an Animal Model of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Drug Res (Stuttg). 2023 Apr;73(4):213-223.
35- Soltani N, Sadeghi T, Khalili P, et al. Comparing the association between heavy metals and cognitive status and depression in miners and non-miners: A study from southeast of Iran. Neurotoxicology. 2023;99:97-103 doi:10.1016/j.neuro.2023.09.010
36- Investigation of Creative Cognition among Miners at Sarcheshmeh Copper ComplexMohammadi, M., Sadeghi, T., Akbari Chermahini, S., (...), Kaeedi, A., Shamsizadeh, A.
2023 .Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 17(4)
-37The profile of Oral Health Branch of Rafsanjan Cohort Study (OHBRCS) in Rafsanjan City, southeast of Iran.Sardari, F., Sharifi, Z., Salari Sedigh, S., (...), Abbasifard, M., Hakimi, H.
.2023.Preventive Medicine Reportsss
-38 General and central obesity prevalence in young adult: a study based on the Rafsanjan youth cohort study. Abbasifard, M., Bazmandegan, G., Ostadebrahimi, H., Amiri, M., Kamiab, Z2023.Scientific Reports,
39-Muscle strength/intensive care unit acquired weakness in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.Rahiminezhad, E., Zakeri, M.A., Dehghan, M.2023.Nursing in Critical Care
40- Nursing Instructors and Students, Views Related to Discrimination in Nursing Care: A Qualitative Study.Sadeghi, R., Hashemi, Z., Abdoli, F., Sadeghi, T.2023.Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Science, 12(3):181-187
41- Resilience and Suicidal Thoughts in Young People: Based on the Rafsanjan Youth Cohort Study.Sadeghi, M., Ahmadinia, H., Ayoobi, F., Rezaeian, M. 2023.Archives of Iranian Medicine
42- Primary Hyperparathyroidism Associated with Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis: A Case Report. Fard, M.K., Shafiepour, M., Jamshidi, M.2023 (2023-10-1) / Case Report.Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research
43-Topical Pistacia vera L. Seed Oil Preparation and Its Effects on Knee Osteoarthritis Through a Randomized Double-blind Controlled Clinical Trial.Abbasifard, M., Kamiab, Z., Bazmandegan, G, Nezhadkoorki, F., Hassanipour, M.2023.Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products
44-The Effect of Health Belief Model-based Education on Empowering Cardiovascular Patients for Medication Adherence.Bakhshi, S., Heidari, S., Zanjirani, S., Zakeri, M.A.2023.Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences,
45-The Effect of Health Belief Model-based Education on Empowering Cardiovascular Patients for Medication Adherence. Bakhshi, S., Heidari, S., Zanjirani, S., Zakeri, M.A. 2023.Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
Published articles with affiliation of NCDRC in 2024
1- Umbilical cord blood thyroid hormones are inversely related to telomere length and mitochondrial DNA copy number. Ohadi, H., Khalili, P., Abasnezhad Kasrineh, F.,Hajizadeh, M.R., Jalali, Z.2024 .Scientific Reports
2- Association of interleukin-17A and chemokine/vascular endothelial growth factor-induced angiogenesis in newly diagnosed patients with bladder cance. Moadab, A., Valizadeh, M.R., Nazari, A., Khorramdelazad, H. 2024. BMC Immunology
3- Occupational status and chronic respiratory diseases: a cross-sectional study based on the data of the Rafsanjan Cohort Study .Bagheri-Hosseinabadi, Z., Bahreyni, A., Basirat, H., Vakilian, A., Amin, F. 2024. BMC Pulmonary Medicine
4- Metabolic syndrome: a population-based study of prevalence and risk factors. Jamali, Z., Ayoobi, F., Jalali, Z., Esmaeili-Nadimi, A., Khalili, P. 2024 .Scientific Reports
5-Association between DMFT and primary headaches: a study based on the Rafsanjan cohort study .Ayoobi, F., khalili, P., Jamali, Z.Sardari, F., Vakilian, A .2024 BMC Oral Health
6- Validity and reproducibility of the PERSIAN Cohort food frequency questionnaire: assessment of major dietary patterns . Eghtesad, S., Masoudi, S., Sharafkhah, M.Malekzadeh, R., Hekmatdoost, A. 2024 .Nutrition Journal
7- The biotoxic effects of heavy metals exposure in miners and non-miners Soltani, N., Sadeghi, T., Mahmoodi, M.R., Rajabi, Z., Shamsizadeh, A. 2024 .Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
8- Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) level and its potential impact on immune responses and symptom severity after Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination. Abbasifard, M., Dehghan Banadaki, M., Taghipour Khaje Sharifi, G., Rahnama, A., Bagheri-Hosseinabadi, 2024 International Immunopharmacology
9-The Effect of Mindfulness on Posttraumatic Growth of Mothers of Premature Infants Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Ghaedi-Heidari, F., Izadi, M., Seyedbagheri, S., Sayadi, A.-R., Sadeghi, T. 2024. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
10-The relationship between pesticide exposures and primary headaches in adults: A cross-sectional study based on Rafsanjan cohort study. Vakilian, A., Khalili, P., Jamali, Z., Pakzadmoghadam, S.H., Ayoobi, F.2024. Preventive Medicine Reports
11- A preliminary validation of the impact on participation and autonomy questionnaire in an Iranian sample of patients with type 2 diabetes. Vazirinejad, R., Zakeri, M.A., Ahmadinia, H., Rafsanjanipoor, S.M.H. 2024. Journal of Education and Health Promotion
12- Assessment the satisfaction level of faculty members from virtual teaching during corona crisis in Rafsanjan School of Medicine. Abbasifard, M., Ahmadinia, H., Moezi, A.,Bagheri-Hosseinabadi, Z., Hassanipour, M. 2024. Journal of Education and Health Promotion
13-Efficacy of Isosorbide in Post Extra Corporeal Shock Wake Lithotripsy Stone-Free Time. Nazari, A., Ghasemi, I.K., Sayadi, A.2024. Avicenna Journal of Clinical Medicine
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